
Irish Folk Tunes + Audio Online / violoncello

Kolekce více než 50 skladeb a písní irské lidové hudby v aranžmá pro sólové violoncello. V sešitě je uveden kód a stránky vydavatele, na kterých je možné si stáhnout nahrávky.

Dodanie 7-10 dní
Kód: ED13654D
Značka: SCHOTT & Co. LTD
25,31 € 23,01 € bez DPH
Kategória: Hudobné nástroje
Obsadenie: solo
Hudobná úprava: akordy, melódie
Hudobný štýl: country, folk, ľudová hudba, spirituály
Prevedenie: zošit + Audio Online
Vydavateľ: SCHOTT & Co. LTD
Aranžér: Davis, Ben
Počet skladieb: 51
Počet strán: 40
Jazyk titulu: anglicky
Formát: 23 x 30 cm
ISBN: 9781847615619
ISMN: 9790220139239

The Polka-Muzurka
James Gannon's March
The Jolly Old Man (in A)
O'Callaghan's Reel
Michael Coleman's Hop-Jig
Drowsy Maggie (in E)
Weeping and Wailing (Air in D)
Frank Cassidy's Hornpipe
The Lark in the Morning
The Jolly Old Man (in D)
The Top of the Maol (in A)
The Humours of Ballydesmond (in G)
The Top of the Maol (in D)
The Humours of Ballydesmond (in C)
Drowsy Maggie (in A)
Cronin's Hornpipe
Stack of Barley
Weeping and Wailing (Air in A)
Chaffpool Post
Gannon's Barndance
The Galtee Rangers
The Glentaun Reel
The Dark Girl in Blue
Across the Road (in A)
Across the Road (in D)
The Frieze Breeches
The Job of Journeywork
The Coolin Air (in G)
The Coolin Air (in C)
Johnny When You Die
Anything for John-Joe (in G)
Anything for John-Joe (in D)
The Chanter's Song
Sheehan's Jig 1
Sheehan's Jig 2
Sheehan's Jig 3 (in G)
Sheehan's Jig 3 (in C)
The Fox Hunter's
Comb your Hair and Curl it
The Old Bush
Tell Her I Am
The Old Duidin
On the Road to Lurgan
The Dark Woman of the Glen
The Balleydesmond Polka
The Kid on the Mountain
The Dark & Slender Boy
The King of the Fairies
Amhrán na Leabhar
Kilworth near fermoy
The Blackbird (in G)

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